Submarine Cartoon of the Day

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UK to Change Name for 7th Astute Class Sub

Former Defense Ministers call it “Woke Nonsense” The Seventh Astute-class boat originally designated as ‘Agincourt’ will now be christened as “Achilles”. The original Agincourt name would have made the submarine the sixth Royal Navy ship to honor the great English Victory of October 1415, at Agincourt, France.

An Unlikely Marriage ?

Extracted from interview with Capt. Matt Lewis, a submariner and program manager for the Navy’s Unmanned Maritime Systems office.  The U.S. Navy’s Orca drone, also known as the Extra-Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (XLUUV), has been in development for years, but will soon be in the hands of sailors as

Pictured Orca’s Snorkel Mast

New Submarine Name Announced

New Submarine Name Announced On Monday, January 13th, the Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro, announced the name selected for the newest Columbia Class boat, SSBN 828. Scheduled for delivery in 2032 it will be named to honor the ‘Submarine Capital of the World’ GROTON, Conn.

Navy expects to have first female submarine commander by 2028

USS New Jersey MilitaryTimes Hope HodgeSeck Fourteen years after the Navy began integrating women into submarine crews, the population of enlisted women and officers in subs continues to grow steadily year-over-year — and the service projects it will name the first female submarine commanding officer by 2028. That’s

Hawkbill Members at Soup Kitchen

Some of the Hawkbill members, and associated friends, volunteered at the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen on Thanksgiving Day. We had a great time getting the job done before having our own dinner later that day.

Submariner Thanksgiving

The Navy Cartoon of the Day

“Chief Ventriloquism”

Directions to Download American Submariner Article Unique Navy Base in Idaho Tests Sub Designs for the Future

A recent request to post the ‘American Submariner’ article on Idaho and submarine testing at Lake Pend Oreille. Unfortunately, the magazine is copyrighted but you can read it on line and download it off the USSVI website. To reach the on-line copy log in to the USSVI

Electric Boat to Slow Work on New Submarines

From USNI News General Dynamics CEO Phebe Novakovic said GD Electric Boat work on the Columbia-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines and the Virginia-class nuclear attack boat would slow to keep pace with a supply chain that’s lagging construction. “EB continues to be severely impacted by late deliveries

Navy Cartoon for Today

Chinese Submarine Sinks at Pier

WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) – China’s newest nuclear-powered attack submarine sank earlier this year, a senior U.S. defense official said on Thursday, a potential embarrassment for Beijing as it seeks to expand its military capabilities. China already has the largest navy in the world, with over 370

Cartoon for Today

What could possibly go wrong


WASHINGTON — The first submarine fully integrated for mixed gender crews will join the Navy fleet next week during a commissioning ceremony in its namesake state of New Jersey. The future USS New Jersey, a fast-attack submarine, will become a deployable part of the Navy’s force during

Hawkbill At the Soup Kitchen

Bravo Zulu to the hawkbill team that assembled at the Idaho Falls soup kitchen on Thursday 18 July. Chefs Marty, Ross and Mike performed with their customary skill over the stove. Special thanks go out to (Left to Right) Darryl Pfannsteill, George Riddle, and Larry Shores for

Jersey Mikes and Camp Magical Moments – Friday

Subvets Hawkbill Base has Teamed up with Camp Magical Moments and Jersey Mikes (across from Broulims in Ammon) for a fund raiser on Friday, April 26th. How appropriate, they serve “SUB” sandwiches. On that day 10% of all proceeds will benefit Camp Magical Moments, Stop by for


Saturday 16 March * FREE * Viewing of the Christening of the USS Idaho and a pre-release sampling of the USS Idaho BEER !  Just show up at the Museum of Idaho between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. to enjoy the festivities and celebrate the Christening of the

On the Lighter Side

It’s been a while since we saw this submarine music video, enjoy Know a submarine veteran in East Idaho? Share this with them and tell them to follow us on Facebook.

Impact on the Submarine Force?

The U.S. Navy has announced a major change in recruitment policy in response to low recruitment dating back to the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. Recruitment problems then was attributed to lack of face-to-face interaction. Missing recruiting goals was further exacerbated by the disqualifying of 71%

Subvets at the Soup Kitchen

Hawkbill Base members prepared and served lunch at the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen on 18 January. Under the Direction of Chef Marty, Hawkbill members, spouses and friends served up Chicken, Carrot medley, BBQ Beans, Salad and Peaches. Hawkbill Subvets also help the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen through

South Korea’s Growing Submarine Fleet

Since the early 1990’s South Korea has made steady progress on a program of expanding its submarine force. The first phase included the construction of nine Jang Bogo Class boats of 1,200 tons, approximately 184 feet long and 21 feet in diameter. The second phase was an

New Class of Japanese Submarines with VLS

Kawasaki Heavy Industry (KHI) has announced a new class of submarine to succeed the Taigei-class submarines currently the newest class in the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF). Several new features are… Propulsion will be Diesel Electric. KHI has highlighted several key points in the new class,

Bad Guy Sub

The Coast Guard reported the seizure of more than 9 tons of cocaine in the Pacific off of Mexico, Central America and South America in November with an estimated street value of more than 239 million dollars. The largest single seizure was of 5,500 pounds found on

Lunch with the Captain part 1

Lunch with the Captain part 1 Members of the USS Idaho Commissioning Committee look on as Commander Leslie conducts a Q & A with Hawkbill members. They are Left to Right Russel Johnson, Richard Colburn, and former Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne

Lunch with the Captain

On 30 November members of the Hawkbill Base (sub vets of eastern Idaho) met with the Commanding Officer of the USS Idaho SSN 799. Commander Randall Leslie (right) provided a summary of the construction up to this point, an estimated time frame of next milestones and then

Army – Navy game uniforms to honor Submarine Service

The Navy in a collaboration with Under Armor will introduce a special uniform for the annual Army Navy game to be held in Gillette Stadium on December 9th. There’s an imagine of a submarine on the helmet and at the neck are the words ‘Silent Service’ the

Veterans Day Deals

Veterans Day Deals Chili’s Veterans day meal – choose from Old Timer with Cheese, Chicken Quesadillas, Three piece Crispers with fries, Chili or Soup and salad. Great Clips On Saturday, November 11, 2023, veterans and active service members can go into any U.S. Great Clips salon and

PBS Show Navy in Idaho

Idaho Public Television (IPTV), in conjunction with the Idaho State Historical preservation Office (SHPO)  has produced a documentary entitled “Idaho’s Nuclear Navy” to tell the story of Idaho’s Naval Reactors Facility. Idaho Falls is proud to host the premier showing of this short 37-minute documentary at the

Submarine News

The U.S. Navy commissioned the 22nd Virginia Class Boat the USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) on October 16th. The goal is to have an attack boat force of 66 total SSNs, however the number will most likely reach only 46 by 2030. The current force totals

Backlog of idle SSNs Reaches Crisis Level

Pictured – Newport News Shipyard Edward Bartlett – the CEO of Bartlett Marine– declared a submarine capability shortfall has reached the level of crisis and become “an inescapable, urgent problem.” Members of the shipbuilding industry gathered on 5 October, as the Marine Machinery Association (MMA), to hear

Ukraine makes history

Ukraine successfully hit a Russian Sub with a missile without the benefit of any ASW (anti submarine warfare) capabilities. Okay, they did it by hitting a boat that was in drydock, still, no small accomplishment. Ukraine used a British Storm Shadow missile for the attack on the

Free Park Pass and More

It’s been quite some time since we posted this information and it certainly is appropriate to repeat since we’ve gained followers. With your DD 214 or other ID that proves you’re a veteran you can receive a FREE lifetime pass for our National Parks and more. Covers

All UK Attack Subs Confined to Port

As reported by the Daily Mail all Royal Navy Attack boats are in Port awaiting dry dock and\or repairs. All five Astute-class Attack submarines HMS Astute, Ambush, Artful, Audacious and Anson (pictured) are unavailable for getting underway along with one Trafalgar-class boat. The Daily Mail places blame

Holland Club? Why Holland?

In response to the post of 24 August, the Holland Club is so named to honor the legacy of John P. Holland, an Irish born engineer who was intrigued with the idea of submersibles. He originally offered his design for a submarine to the U.S. Navy in

Hawkbill and Science Center

Only a couple more weeks left of summer coverage of the Hawkbill Sail and Science Center Museum. Please sign up with Scott if you’re available. Pictured here is Doc mentoring Ellie at the sail. Ellie is a local volunteer from Arco who is authorized to augment Hawkbill

‘Niche capability’: Netherlands to assess 3 offers for 4 new submarines

Amsterdam – A spokesperson for Netherlands State Secretary of Defense Van der Maat acknowledged plans to purchase four diesel-electric submarines equipped with US Tomahawk long range missiles to provide a “niche capability within NATO and the EU”. “The threat on the eastern flank of NATO territory underscores

French Deploy flying Drone from Sub

From Naval News: On May 4, 2023, the final test of the French “UAV on submarine” experimentation was held off Toulon. The objective of this project is to deploy a drone from a submerged submarine in order to recover video data and to pilot it from the

What does Sweden bring to NATO? – Submarines

The submarine fleet of Sweden will help ease some of NATO’s vulnerability in Northwest Europe, specifically in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic represents a bottle neck for several countries with access restricted through the Danish Strait separating Sweden and Denmark. Sweden’s key to keeping those waters navigable

Navy Christens Newest Submarine

The Navy christened its newest Virginia-class fast-attack submarine, the future USS Iowa (SSN 797), during a Saturday, June 17, 2023, ceremony at Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut. The Virginia Class USS Iowa (SSN 797) is the fourth U.S. Navy vessel and first submarine named for the state.

Canada Eyes Submarine Suppliers Beyond the U.S.

On May 17th Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea held a summit meeting in Seoul to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between their respective nations. Focusing on bilateral cooperation the topics included defense. As Canada has been planning to

First Successful Submarine

17 May 1897 – John P. Holland launched a privately built submarine on this date in 1897. This was the first capable of running submerged for a considerable distance. His design used electric motors submerged and a gasoline engine on the surface. It was subsequently purchased by

First of its Kind Submarine Visit Forges Relationship

04 May 2023 From Lt. Eric Uhden, Commander, Submarine Squadron 15 Public Affairs NAVAL BASE GUAM – Senior leaders from the navies of Japan, South Korea and the United States visited Naval Base Guam to embark a U.S. Navy Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine operating off Guam, April

Movie Premiere

1 May 1957 – “Hellcats of the Navy” is released starring Ronald Reagan with Arthur Franz as CO and XO, along with the future First Lady Nancy Davis as the love interest. Their boat the ‘Starfish’ is ordered to retrieve a new type of mine from Japanese

US Nuc Sub to Visit Korea

For the first time in over 40 years a US Nuclear Submarine will make port visits to South Korean. The last time a US Submarine visited was in 1981. North Korea’s continuing aggressive acts, such as the recent test firing of a solid fuel missile, prompted the

US Navy to get New SSW (Subsea and Seabed Warfare) Submarine

The Navy has contracted with Electric Boat to build a new SSW boat based on a Virginia Class hull. Although details are closely guarded a few key aspects of the design have emerged. Notably several of the vertical VPMs (Virginia Payload Modules) will be refitted with new


15 April 1959 – The third submarine named Skipjack (SSN 585) was commissioned. The first single shaft and screw nuclear submarine. Auxiliary propulsion in event the reactor became inoperable, was by an electric propulsion motor which could run off either the diesel or battery. As a backup

Submarine Force Birthday

April 11, 1900: Widely celebrated as the Birthday of the U.S. Navy Submarine Force. But why this day? In fact it was because this was the day the Navy purchased it’s first submarine, the USS Holland (SS 1). It was named after it’s designer\builder, Irish native John

New Russian Deployment

The Russian news agency has announced formation of a new division of Pacific Submarines on the Kamchatka peninsula by the end of 2024\start of 2025. The new Belgorod nuclear submarine will be equipped with 65-foot-long Poseidon “super torpedoes” with capability of delivering nuclear weapons. Some estimate the

New French Submarine

The latest Nuclear Powered submarine for France, SSN Duguay-Trouin, began final testing sea trials to determine the delivery date for the boat, tentatively scheduled for early next year. A Barracuda class sub, it represents the next generation of French Fast Attack boats. According to the French Armed

This Day in Submarine History

28 March 1963 – On this date the USS Permit (SSN 594) made the first successful launch of a SUBROC missile. know a Submarine Vet, share this page with them along with our website at Follow us on Facebook at

In Case You Missed It

DRUG TRANSPORT SUBMARINE SEIZED OFF COLUMBIA Colombia’s Navy seized a drug smuggling submarine off its Pacific coast. After boarding they discovered two dead bodies and approximately three tons of cocaine ; there were also two survivors “in poor health” who were given first aid. The deaths and

Submarine Construction Deal

The representatives of the Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (AUKUS) met at Naval Base Point Loma this week to announce a major deal for construction of submarines. Point Loma is the home of Squadron 11 and among the boats is the USS Missouri (SSN

Last of the Ohio Class Passes Milestone

After completing a 41-month refueling overhaul the USS Louisiana (SSBN 743) has returned to Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor. The refueling will extend Louisiana’s serviceable life by twenty years. The last of the 18 boat Ohio class, the Navy plans to replace all the Ohio class Ballistic Missile Submarines

Name released for a new Virginia Class

SECNAV Carlos Del Toro (Secretary of the Navy) has announced the name selected for a new Virginia Class Submarine. The SSN 808 will be christened as the John H. Dalton to honor the 70th SECNAV. Dalton joined the Navy in 1964 and served as a submariner from

Boats Lost in March by Year

25 March  1915 SS 23  (F4) 21 killed all hands lost 12 March  1920 SS 28 (H 1) 4 killed 3   March  1942 SS 176 Perch All 59 taken prisoner, 6 later died as POWs 5   March  1943 SS 207 Grampus 71 killed all hands lost 15

Italian Design

Italian Shipbuilder Fincantieri has unveiled a scaled down version of its S1000 submarine. A smaller ‘light’ sub it has been designated as the S800. 51 meters (167 feet) in length and 10 meters (32 feet) in height, with a designed operational depth as much as 250 meters

In Case You Missed It

The wreckage of a U.S. submarine has been found and identified as the USS Albacore (SS 218)– a vessel believed by the Navy to have struck a mine and sunk off the North coast of Japan during World War II. A team from the University of Tokyo

New British Boomer

In case you missed it. The first pressure hull section of the HMS dreadnought has been fabricated. Using much the same technique the US is employing, modules will be built, then formed together. UK Defence procurement minister Alex Chalk said progress was “crucial to maintaining our national

Russia Decommissions its Largest Boat

The Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet has announced he decommissioning of its largest Submarine, the “Dmitry Donskoy” (TK-208) a Typhoon-class ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) according to Russia’s TASS agency. Tass identified it as the last and largest of six Typhoon-class (Project 941) ever built. The Dmitry Donskoy was also the

New Fast Attack Names

USS Tang SS 306