Hawkbill Base is Eastern Idaho’s local chapter of United States Submarine Veterans Inc.

We are a 501.(C).(19) charitable organization whose focus is to:
Preserve and honor: the memory, values and legacy of Submariners who served before us.
Provide support and assistance to Submarine Veterans and currently serving Submarine Force personnel.
Conduct Fund raising and a volunteer commitment to Community Outreach programs.

Camp Magical Moments – Cancer camp for children 7-13 through both fund raising and assistance in the conduct of the camp.
Idaho Science Center – Arco ID, Idaho National Laboratory, birthplace of modern submarine propulsion systems. Rendering docent service at the museum which is home to the Sail of the decommissioned USS Hawkbill (SSN-666) fast attack submarine.
Local Food Bank – meal preparation and service.
Support the Pre-Commissioning of the new USS Idaho (SSN 799) fast attack submarine by assisting in public awareness, Dolphin Scholarship fundraisers, and events of the Crew/Commissioning Committee.

Membership is open to anyone qualified “Submarines” United States Navy or as a sponsored Associate. An application is available on this website’s home page. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month starting at noon at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge, 123 N. Ash street, Blackfoot, Idaho. An application for membership is here https://hawkbillussvi.org/membership-application/Questions? A list of officers along with their email addresses are posted on the home page of this website.

Donations Are Greatly Appreciated

As a nonprofit organization, we rely heavily on donations to fund our events and programs. We thank you for your support.