Boats Lost March


25 March  1915 SS 23  (F4) 21 killed all hands lost (pictured) sunk by implosion believed by corrosion

12 March  1920 SS 28 (H 1) grounded off Magdalena Bay Mexico 4 died attempting to swim to shore

3   March  1942 SS 176 Perch All 59 taken prisoner, 6 later died as POWs

5   March  1943 SS 207 Grampus 71 killed, all hands lost. It is believed it was sunk in a surface action by gunfire from Destroyers in Blackett Strait

15 March  1943 SS 201 Triton 74 killed all hands lost

26 March  1944 SS 284 Tullibee 79 killed, 1 survived as POW

20 March  1945 SS 369 Kete 87 killed all hands lost. It is speculated that Kete was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine although there is no evidence to this effect.

28 March  1945 SS 237 Trigger 89 killed all hands lost