Hawkbill at the Beer Fest

(Note: the following is slightly modified from the Original)

Hawkbill/Idaho Committee,

My many thanks to all those participating in the Beer Fest.  It was a very successful event for us this year.  There were a few last minute change ups but like always the Vets of the US Navy came through!

Trash detail Base pay, tickets sales (hazardous duty pay), and Camp Magical Moments donations from Award Ceremony netted us somewhere in the neighborhood of ~$3000.

Hawkbill cut is ~ $1100

CMM ~ 1900

Plus 50% of donations collected by Float Crew.

All numbers are rough estimates

Cheers, hope to see everyone on the 17th at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge (123 North Ash Street) for the monthly Hawkbill meeting.
