Deck Log June '24

15 June 2024

Hawkbill Base Address:

Scott Ullsperger

1181 Kortnee Drive

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402


Hawkbill Navigators


Base Commander:     Ross Carroll – Firth 208 520-1112         Senior Vice Commander: Gregg Smith – Idaho Falls        208-357-8524

Secretary- Treasurer:                   Junior Vice Commander:

Scott Ullsperger – Idaho Falls            Darrell Pfannenstiel

208-520-2199                                     208-523-4695 


Our Creed:

“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution”.

Next Hawkbill Meeting: 

Saturday, 20 July 2024 In Arco in support of Atomic Days.

Saturday, 17 August 2024 at the Blackfoot Elks Club.

Last Meeting:  

Saturday, 11 May 2023 at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge.

Present were:

Ross Carroll                      Denny and Beverly Kemp

George Riddle                   Jason Clough

Kenhi Drews                      Steve Cole

Scott Ullsperger                Bob and Kathy Beckwith

Don Hulse                         Mike Burton

Darrel Pfannenstiel           Doug Stutzman  

Ralph Van Lieu                  Robert Peterson

Rich Magneson                 Harvey Lengel             

Ken Lembich                     Fred Kovach

Larry and Pat Shores       Jeff Brower                   

Bob Skinner                       Eric and Dyan Boling                     

Gene Summers               


Letter of appreciation from Champs Heart concerning the $500.00 donation they received from Hawkbill base.


Tony Maestas

Roy Miller

Jim Fisher


Laziah Vasquez From Synergy home care.

Committee/ Routine Reports:

  1. USS Idaho Committee – At this time due to the ships schedule there will be no crew visit to Idaho this year.
  • Gregg Smith indicated that members should visit the HAWKBILL website and to join the Facebook and Instagram pages. More visits to the sites will improve overall internet visibility. PayPal and Venmo are now available on the website to allow for electronic donations and dues payments.
  • A motion was made and passed to use club funds to raise our first donation to Camp Magical Moments to $3000.00.
  • Scott reported the Idaho Science Center is open for the 2024 season.  Hawkbill base will have its July meeting in Arco on the 20th in support of Atomic Days.  Since we will be glueing down our plaques on that day approximately 5 members of Hawkbill base will be staying in Arco Friday through Sunday at hotels and the Mountain View RV Park.  We will have some form of feed Saturday afternoon probably at the RV park.
  • Maggie gave a status update concerning Chams Heart.  They host many kids, Veterans and people with special needs.  They have recently purchased a new saddle to allow people to ride with special needs.  They recently lost their first horse they started the program with.  They were very appreciative of the $500.00 donation they received from Hawkbill base.
  • We plan on having a fall 2024 BBQ, Fred Kovach has agreed to head the committee and have the BBQ at his house.  Ross proposed the club purchase a few pork butts that he will smoke, and these will be served instead of cooking at the BBQ.  The beer has been procured after beer fest.  Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish.  Anyone wanting to work with Fred on the committee is encouraged to volunteer. The fall BBQ is scheduled for September 21st.
  • Ross and Scott continue to attend the Bingham, Bannock and Bonneville Military Affairs Committee meetings.

Old Business:

  1. We have an upcoming car shows where we will be displaying the club table July 13th in Rigby. Set up is at 9AM with the car show 12-5PM.
  • Ross gave an update on obtaining and placing the headstone for IC2(SS) Jim Reynolds from the USS Carbonero (SS 337).
  • A discussion occurred concerning a Fall group outing to tour the Idaho Falls power plant, Mike Burton could facilitate a tour.
  • Heads and Tails distillery in Idaho Falls is featuring a Cocktail of the month.  A portion of the proceeds will go to Camp Magical Moments.  Heads and Tails is located at 310 Park Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402.
  • Hawkbill base would like to do more for the Pocatello community.  Items discussed include identifying events where we could place the table and banner and a food drive.  Anyone interested from the Pocatello area please help us coordinate these activities.
  • As part of our recruiting efforts, we want to place our table and banner at more locations.  Anyone having information on possible sites please share this information.

New Business

  1. The Rigby Hot Classic Nights car show will be July 13th, set up at 9AM and the show runs from 12-5PM.

Good Of the Order

  1. The INL is celebration it’s 75 anniversary in 2024.  They will be providing tours of certain facilities.  More information can be found at, “register”.  The tours are ATR on 6/14, MFC on 7/12 and REC on 8/9.

Financial Report:

Balance                                                   $ 14,273.59

Camp Magical Moments                         $ 3000.00

USSVI (50/50)                                            $   610.00

Brick purchase                                           $   310.00

Balance                                                   $ 10,353.59


50-50:  $75.00 won by Mike Burton, he donated $50.00 to the base funds. $75.00 goes to the USSVI scholarship fund.

Boats Lost in June


USS 0-9 (SS 70)

USS R-12 (SS -211)

USS Herring (SS 233)

USS Golet (SS361)

USS Bonefish (SS 223)

USS Runner (SS-275)

SS-27 (SS-132)

Prayer List

Tom Tomlin

Gregg Smith




Schedule of events

June21CMM Submarine Veteran Day  
June22Sam’s Club CMM fund raiser.0900-1600Idaho Falls Sam’s Club
July4Idaho Falls Parade Near IF High School
July12,13Rigby Hot Classic Nights Car Show9-5 on the 13thRigby Idaho
July18Soup Kitchen Support  
July19,20Atomic Days Arco Idaho
July25All Veterans Picnic5:30 PMTauphaus park shelter 3 Idaho Falls
July27Sam’s Club CMM fund raiser.0900-1600Idaho Falls Sam’s Club
August17Hawkbill base meeting12PMBlackfoot Elks club
August24Sam’s Club CMM fund raiser.0900-1600Idaho Falls Sam’s Club
Aug-Sept30-7Eastern Idaho State Fair- USS Idaho commissioning Committee Blackfoot Fair Grounds
September21Annual Fall BBQ  
September28Sam’s Club CMM fund raiser.0900-1600Idaho Falls Sam’s Club
October19Hawkbill base meeting12PMBlackfoot Elks club