It’s been quite some time since we posted this information and it certainly is appropriate to repeat since we’ve gained followers. With your DD 214 or other ID that proves you’re a veteran you can receive a FREE lifetime pass for our National Parks and more. Covers
Read more →The Holland Club recognizes those USSVI members who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their qualifying for the Submarine Warfare pin (Dolphins) they wore on the left breast of their uniform. The following members are those most recently awarded the Holland Club designation. In the following list
Read more →Sub Vets of East Idaho (Hawkbill Base) – Took over staffing the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen for a day on August 10th. Part of the Base commitment is to aid the Soup Kitchen by preparing and serving lunch once per quarter. The lunch of Taco Casserole, corn,
Read more →Many thanks to the Hawkbill Crew and family members who traveled to Arco Idaho for Atomic Days. Also, special recognition to Hawkbill Base Secretary-Treasurer Scott Ullsperger who coordinated the memorial event at the Arco Science Center and Hawkbill Sail. Bravo-Zulu Scott. Pictured, a memorial plaque that summarizes
Read more →Hawkbill Base follows the tradition established by USSVI National in rendering honors to deceased Submarine Veterans. As part of the Arco Days gathering with Hawkbill crew members, the Base conducted a memorial service for two deceased crew members who were honored with plaques at the Hawkbill Sail.
Read more →During the 20th anniversary of the Hawkbill Sail dedication celebration members of Hawkbill Base USSVI coordinated the installment of memorial brass plaques at the memorial. Each plaque contained the name of a Hawkbill crew member who attended along with 2 deceased crew members and six additional crew
Read more →As part of the Saturday, July 15th Arco Atomic Days celebration the model of the future USS Idaho (SSN 799) made an appearance as part of the parade. USSVI Hawkbill Base members handed out candy to the parade watchers as Crew member of the USS Hawkbill (SSN
Read more →On Saturday July 15th members of the USSVI Hawkbill Base met crew members from the USS Hawkbill (SSN 666) the namesake of the base. The occasion was during the Arco Atomic Days held annually on the 3rd Saturday of July. This year’s festivities marked the 20th anniversary
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