11 January 2025
Hawkbill Base Address:
Scott Ullsperger
1181 Kortnee Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Hawkbill Navigators
Base Commander: Ross Carroll – Firth 208-520-1112 ross_carroll@hotmail.com | Senior Vice Commander: Gregg Smith – Idaho Falls 208-357-8524 gsmithbeer@aol.com |
Secretary- Treasurer: Junior Vice Commander:
Scott Ullsperger – Idaho Falls Darrell Pfannenstiel – Idaho Falls
208-520-2199 208-523-4695
Hawkbill.secretary@gmail.com pfan61187@gmail.com
Our Creed:
“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution”.
Next Hawkbill Meeting:
Saturday 15 February 2025 at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge.
Last Meeting:
Saturday, 16 November 2024 at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge.
Present were:
Ross Carroll Ralph Van Lieu
George Riddle Terry Thonssen
Marty Sattison Steve Cole
Scott Ullsperger Bob Beckwith
Lange Morrison Randy McElveny
Ellie Signor Tom Tomlin
Joe Jensen Greg Smith
Rich Magneson Tony and Wanda Anderson
Fred Kovach Bob Peterson
Larry and Pat Shores Eric Boling
Bob Chapa Shawn Halverson
Tony Maestas Chris Lindemann
Bob Mohney
Letter of appreciation from Champs Heart thanking Hawkbill base for their recent $500.00 donation.
Tom West
Louis Valenti
Committee/ Routine Reports:
- USS Idaho Committee. Testing and certification continue with a spring 2026 Commissioning planned.
- Gregg Smith indicated that members should visit the HAWKBILL website and to join the Facebook and Instagram pages. More visits to the sites will improve overall internet visibility. PayPal and Venmo are now available on the website to allow for electronic donations and dues payments.
- Maggie gave a status update concerning Champs Heart. They have many Veteran shadow boxes that have been installed at the arena, they will be a dedication ceremony on Friday January 17th at 12 noon. All veterans are invited.
- Ross and Scott continue to attend the Bingham, Bannock and Bonneville Military Affairs Committee meetings.
Old Business:
- A discussion occurred concerning an early 2025 group outing to tour the Idaho Falls power plant. Scott took this tour and reported it is not very strenuous, there is a few flights of stairs, but they are located indoors. Mike Burton will facilitate this tour. Scott has the lead to schedule this.
- Hawkbill base would like to do more for the Pocatello community. Items discussed include identifying events where we could place the table and banner and a food drive. Anyone interested from the Pocatello area please help us coordinate these activities.
- As part of our recruiting efforts, we want to place our table and banner at more locations. Anyone having information on possible sites please share this information.
- The USSVI Western Regional Round-up is scheduled for March 6-9, 2025, on the Queen Mary located in Long beach California.
- A discussion was held concerning the USS Idaho float. Due to the sliding nature of the commissioning date we expect to continue to participate in parades and events in 2025.
- The soup kitchen volunteer dates for 2025 are as follow:
January 30, April 9, July 17 and October 8. These dates have shifted from what was listed in the last deck log. Ross has proposed adding a shorter third shift at soup kitchen this shift would be responsible for the final clean-up of the facility but not have to clean the entire day.
- Hawkbill base membership information:
- Hawkbill Membership is 82.
- Additions / Subtractions 2
- Member Added, Randy McElveny
- Member Remover, Don Neilson has departed on Eternal Patrol January 8th, 2025.
New Business
- Hawkbill base will have base elections in April 2025. Anyone interested in running for one of the following positions please submit you name to Ross.
- Base Commander
- Senior Vice-Commander
- Junior Vice Commander
- Secretary
- Treasurer
The office of secretary / treasurer is going to be divided into two separate positions, this is to increase the number of base officers and aid in the progression of duties in the club. A list of the duties and responsibilities of each office was provided on the back of the agenda for the January meeting.
- USSVI 2025 Submarine calendars are in stock and available from our storekeeper Bob Beckwith. The cost is $10.00.
- The tally of hours donated by Hawkbill members has been completed. 17 Hawkbill base members earned a total of 28 awards. Ross says any extra hours from 2024 will roll over to 2025. Each award is good for one Submarine veteran embroidery from classy threads. Your volunteer hours and commitment to our causes are the primary reason for our successes, thank you so much for your dedication to the base.
United States Submarine Veteran | ||
Classy Threads Embroidery | ||
1 | Anderson | Tony |
2 | Anderson | Tony |
1 | Baker, Sr. | Michael R. |
2 | Baker, Sr. | Michael R. |
1 | Beckwith | Robert E. |
2 | Beckwith | Robert E. |
3 | Beckwith | Robert E. |
1 | Boesiger | Don |
1 | Brower | Jeff |
1 | Cole | Steve |
2 | Cole | Steve |
1 | Hulse | Donald H |
1 | Kemp | Alfred D. |
1 | Kovach | Anthony Fred |
1 | Pfannenstiel | Darrell F. |
2 | Pfannenstiel | Darrell F. |
1 | Riddle | George A. |
1 | Sattison | Martin |
1 | Shores | Larry R. |
2 | Shores | Larry R. |
3 | Shores | Larry R. |
4 | Shores | Larry R. |
1 | Signor | Ellie |
1 | Ullsperger | Scott Duane |
2 | Ullsperger | Scott Duane |
3 | Ullsperger | Scott Duane |
1 | Van Lieu | Richard Ralph |
2 | Van Lieu | Richard Ralph |
Good Of the Order
Financial Report:
Balance $ 14,112.19
Camp Magical Moments $ 3,500.00
50/50 $ 73.00
National Dues $ 120.00
Brick Purchase $ 126.00
Hawkbill scholarship fund $ 65.00
Balance $ 10,228.19
ICCU CD $ 5,000.00
50-50: $72.00 won by Fred Kovach. $73.00 goes to the USSVI scholarship fund.
Boats Lost in January
USS S-26 (SS 131)
USS Argonaut (SS 166)
USS S-36 (SS 141)
USS Scorpion (SS 278)
USS Swordfish (SS 193)
Prayer List
Cath Beckwith is at home recovering from a knee operation.
Jason Clough is at home recovering from back surgery.
Don Neilson departed on eternal patrol on January 8th, 2025.
Schedule of events
Month | Day | Topic | Time | Location |
January | 17 | Champs Heart Veterans room dedication | 12 PM | 988 S 45th E, Ammon, ID 83406 |
January | 30 | Soup Kitchen | 301 South Blvd. Idaho Falls | |
February | 15 | Hawkbill base meeting | 12 PM | Blackfoot Elks Club |
March | 6-9 | Western Regional Roundup | Long Beach, CA | |
March | 15 | Hawkbill base meeting | 12 PM | Blackfoot Elks Club |
April | 9 | Soup Kitchen | 301 South Blvd. Idaho Falls | |
April | 12 | Submarine Birthday Dinner | Blackfoot Elks Club | |
April | 19 | Hawkbill base meeting | 12 PM | Blackfoot Elks Club |
June | 7 | Beer Fest | Sandy Downs | |
June | 20 | Camp Magical Moments | ||
July | 17 | Soup Kitchen | 301 South Blvd. Idaho Falls | |
July | 19 | Arco Days | Idaho Science Center, Arco Idaho | |
October | 8 | Soup Kitchen | 301 South Blvd. Idaho Falls |