Deck Log August 2024

17 August 2024

Hawkbill Base Address:

Scott Ullsperger

1181 Kortnee Drive

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402


Hawkbill Navigators


Base Commander:     Ross Carroll – Firth 208 520-1112         Senior Vice Commander: Gregg Smith – Idaho Falls        208-357-8524

Secretary- Treasurer:                   Junior Vice Commander:

Scott Ullsperger – Idaho Falls            Darrell Pfannenstiel

208-520-2199                                     208-523-4695 


Our Creed:

“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution”.

Next Hawkbill Meeting: 

21 September at Fred Kovach’s house for the annual BBQ.

Last Meeting:  

Saturday, 15 June 2024 at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge.

Present were:

Ross Carroll and Marva    Al Arnold            

George Riddle                   Jason Clough and Jenny, Jesca, Jordy

Marty Sattison                    Steve Cole

Scott Ullsperger                Bob and Kathy Beckwith

Don Hulse                         Greg and Lisa Smith

Darrel Pfannenstiel           Doug Stutzman  

Lange Morrison                 Robert Peterson

Rich Magneson                 Don Bosinger              

Ken Lembich                     Fred Kovach

Larry and Pat Shores       Mike Baker          

Tom Tomlin                       Eric and Dyan Boling                     

Shawn Halverson             Tony Maestas             

Dick and Jennifer Raaz                      


Letter of appreciation from Camp Magical Moments concerning our participation at their latest camp and donation.


Tom Hartwell


Dick Razz a long-time member of Hawkbill base discussed his recent health issues and that he and his wife will be moving to Arizona on a permanent basis.  Dick has been a valuable member of Hawkbill base and will be sorely missed.  Fair winds and following seas Dick, thanks for all you have done for the base in the past and good luck in the future.

Committee/ Routine Reports:

  1. USS Idaho Committee. The USS Idaho was launched on August 6th.
  • Gregg Smith indicated that members should visit the HAWKBILL website and to join the Facebook and Instagram pages. More visits to the sites will improve overall internet visibility. PayPal and Venmo are now available on the website to allow for electronic donations and dues payments.
  • Scott reported the Idaho Science Center is open for 4 more weeks until Labor Day.  The July parade, plaque installation and gathering at the RV park in Arco was a big success.  The club specific donation box combined with magnet and sticker sales has raised a significant amount of money for Hawkbill base this year.
  • Maggie gave a status update concerning Chams Heart.  They host many kids, Veterans and people with special needs.  Champs Heart was recently the recipient of a major financial donation from a Swan Valley fund raiser.
  • We are having a fall 2024 BBQ; Fred Kovach has agreed to have the BBQ at his house.  Ross proposed the club purchase pork butts that he will smoke, and these will be served instead of cooking at the BBQ.  The beer has been procured after beer fest.  Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish.  The fall BBQ is scheduled for September 21st at 2 PM.
  • Ross and Scott continue to attend the Bingham, Bannock and Bonneville Military Affairs Committee meetings.

Old Business:

  1. A discussion occurred concerning a Fall group outing to tour the Idaho Falls power plant, Mike Burton could facilitate a tour.  Scott has the lead to schedule this.
  • Hawkbill base would like to do more for the Pocatello community.  Items discussed include identifying events where we could place the table and banner and a food drive.  Anyone interested from the Pocatello area please help us coordinate these activities.
  • As part of our recruiting efforts, we want to place our table and banner at more locations.  Anyone having information on possible sites please share this information.
  • Ross put out there will be a final patrol celebration for IC2(SS) Jim Reynolds in October and he will need club members to participate.  The date of this celebration Is scheduled for October 18th.

New Business

  1. Hawkbill members are needed to man the USS Idaho float when it is displayed at the Idaho state fair.  A sign-up sheet was distributed.
  • A motion was passed for Hawkbill base to donate $100.00 to sponsor the 2025 USSVI Western Region Roundup.
  • Ross says he is supporting the Blackfoot Elks club with the Demolition Derby and asked for volunteers to help.

Good Of the Order


Financial Report:

Balance                                                   $ 12,757.65

Camp Magical Moments                         $   983.06

USSVI (50/50)                                            $   690.00

Brick Purchase                                          $     35.00

Balance                                                   $ 11,049.58


50-50:  $80.00 won by Dick Razz, he donated $80.00 to the base funds. $80.00 goes to the USSVI scholarship fund.

Boats Lost in July and August


USS Runner (SS 275)

USS Growler (SS 215)

USS Rabalo (SS 273)

USS Grunion (SS 216)

USS S-28 (SS-133)


USS Harder (SS 257)

USS Bullhead (SS 332)

USS Cochino (SS 345)

USS S-39 (SS-144)

Prayer List




Schedule of events

August24Sam’s Club CMM fund raiser.0900-1600Idaho Falls Sam’s Club
August31Bannock county Veterans car show1-5 PMVeterans Memorial Building
Aug-Sept30-7Eastern Idaho State Fair- USS Idaho commissioning Committee Blackfoot Fair Grounds
September7Pancake Breakfast Veterans Memorial Building Pocatello
September21Annual Fall BBQ2 PM 
September28Sam’s Club CMM fund raiser.0900-1600Idaho Falls Sam’s Club
October18Final Patrol Celebration for IC2(SS) Jim Reynolds Pocatello
October19Hawkbill base meeting12PMBlackfoot Elks club
October26Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen8 or 11 AM 
November9Veterans Day Parade11 AMPocatello
December14Santa Crawl  
March6-9Western Regional Roundup Long Beach, CA